Crisis communications the unplanned scenarios

When running our emergency scenarios we many times focus on perfectly packaged events in which things all going as planned. This goes against the very idea of a crisis, things are not planned. Here are a few scenarios or situations I think are worth looking into: Immediate evacuation of all of campus – everyone including […]

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CMS selection for YOUR institution

On all higher ed web listservs there is a monthly discussion that comes up about what CMS to select. My advice trust no one, myself included. Content management system selection is a long, unsexy process but it is a process that you need to spend the time to do for yourself. A CMS needs to […]

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Social medias role during a crisis

Many times I think people look at social media as one of the mediums where you canned releases or text messages go. I think this is a bad practice, social media needs more of a focus and more immediacy in an emergency situation. I think across the board we need to step back and evaluate each tool […]

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Social Media mashups / hubs – no value added

I must admit I had my team queued up to tackle this as a project. We had wireframes, etc. Then it hit me where is the value added? I couldn’t answer my own question so we shelved the project. For those of you who don’t know what I mean here are a few examples of […]

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Starting a client project right

We have been honing our skills at taking on clients over the last year so I wanted to share a few documents that help us get off to the right foot. New client marketing survey ( send this before first meeting to get their ideas) Project service agreement ( this doc is kind of overkill […]

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Charging for web services in higher ed – rev gen

Lots of people ask what its like to run a pay to play or revenue generating shop. I tell them it is a double-edged sword. We do charge here, we charge per project. We will work with pretty much anyone on campus assuming they have the budget. We have to charge because we have so […]

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On branding

I have worked with many groups recently that have problems comprehending what a brand is. Here is a simple attempt to help As I tell others I don’t expect people to need to understand the ins and outs of branding. Same as I don’t expect someone to know how to make sausage. I just expect them to consume it. […]

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Dealing with social media trolls

Maybe it is because the holidays brings out the best in us all, but I have seen a lot of people talking about how do deal with negative people AKA trolls on social media. I would suggest taking the approach that many universities have which is to make a social media response guide. The first […]

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Mobile sites, apps and responsive – oh my

I have seen a lot of people struggling with mobile apps, sites and responsive recently. A lot of people get caught up on the shiny object of an app but in most cases an app is not the solution. My thoughts are app, if done at all should be done last for a few reasons […]

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