What social media can teach us about marketing in other mediums

Social media has brought about one of the biggest shifts in marketing and communications planning in years. Many are still trying to catch up. We should spend some time reflecting on what social media can teach us about marketing via other avenues. In social media the accepted norms are all about being simple, truthful and […]

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Social medias role during a crisis

Many times I think people look at social media as one of the mediums where you canned releases or text messages go. I think this is a bad practice, social media needs more of a focus and more immediacy in an emergency situation. I think across the board we need to step back and evaluate each tool […]

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Social Media mashups / hubs – no value added

I must admit I had my team queued up to tackle this as a project. We had wireframes, etc. Then it hit me where is the value added? I couldn’t answer my own question so we shelved the project. For those of you who don’t know what I mean here are a few examples of […]

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Dealing with social media trolls

Maybe it is because the holidays brings out the best in us all, but I have seen a lot of people talking about how do deal with negative people AKA trolls on social media. I would suggest taking the approach that many universities have which is to make a social media response guide. The first […]

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